Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Sparks of Another Goals of The New Year

 It's new year, it's 2025! I have been given another year of life to cherish, love and nurture.

As the year 2025 starts, I am yet again ready to face new challenges and obstacles to overcome. And as I start the year, of course I had already planned three goals I want to achieve and accomplish in the twelve months of 2025. I hope that as I share what I had planned, I might as well inspire and encourage you to achieve and accomplish yours too.

My first goal that I want to achieve and accomplish is to improve myself. I want to boost my confidence, be more expressive and can easily adapt other people who tries to hang out with me, because I'm still somehow frightened by the thought of socializing as I can't avoid being self-conscious especially when I'm around to people that I am not close with. 

I would also like to improve my academic skills. As a slow learner, it is sometimes hard for me to focus in studying as I get easily distracted and there are also some subjects that are difficult for me to catch up. And because of these challenges I faced I was motivated to excel more in school, I want to slowly try to avoid any distractions in my surroundings and focus when studying.  I will aim to be more motivated for me to continue walking on my path towards my success.

Lastly, I want to achieve and accomplish, well it might sound funny but, I want to save up money and try not to spend it. Last year I tried to save up money but I ended up spending it on unnecessary things. I promise to myself that the I will use the money I can save up this year for important purposes or buy what I want with my own money. I will try my very best to manage my money and use it responsibly. 

New Year, New Me. This year, I will aim to make changes and improvements of myself.



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