During the first quarter, I had learned and discovered a lot, as well as acquiring more knowledge in all of our subjects. With all that I have learned and discovered during the first quarter, it also helped me gain more improvements.
Although, I had also encountered various difficulties and challenges like lacking concentration during the discussion that led me to struggle in understanding and keeping up with our topic, aside from lacking concentration, I had also struggled to manage my time in reviewing for our quizzes and doing my assignments, I also struggled in cramming the projects and activities that was given to us.
I may have encountered a lot of challenges during the first quarter, but I didn't let it get me too overwhelmed. I surpassed these challenges by balancing my time in studying, doing my assignments and reviewing, keeping myself away from distractions during the discussion, doing the given projects and activities to us before the deadline. i also surpassed these challenges by reinforcing myself in facing it.
Moving on, I will make sure to do my responsibilities and duties as a student. I will continue to be a diligent student, I will continue to face and surpass every challenges that I encounter and not letting negativities take over me in times of studying. I will persistently do my best in my academics, gain more knowledge and improvements for me to be able to achieve my dreams and goals I have in life and for me to have a bright future that I always look forward to.